Finance & law

Being disabled can be expensive, so anything to ease the financial stresses is worth investigating.  And know your rights.  

Amazon - You shop and Amazon donate 0.5% of the value of the order to the charity of your choise.  Find out more here. 

Carer tickets and CEA card - The CEA Card is a national scheme developed by the Cinema Exhibitors Association for UK cinemas. The scheme means for disabled guests can get a complimentary ticket for a carer to go with them. Check if you are eligible online by visiting their website where you can apply online or download the application form.  Carer may go for free if you receive the high level of PIP or qualify for a Blue Badge; many event venues provide a free ticket when you book a seat.  Ask at the time of booking if carer places are available.

Disabled band reduction scheme - You may be eligible for the scheme if you live in a larger property than you would need if you or another occupant were not disabled.  If you qualify, your bill will be reduced to the next lowest Council Tax band. For example, if your property is in Band D, you’ll pay the Band C rate. If your home is already in the lowest band (Band A), you’ll get a 17% discount on your Council Tax bill instead. You’ll have to show that you have either:

  • an extra bathroom, kitchen or other room that you need for the disabled person
  • extra space inside the property for using a wheelchair

The property must be the main home of at least 1 disabled person. This can be an adult or a child - it does not have to be the person responsible for paying the Council Tax.  Contact your council to request a review.  

Entitled to website - As they put it::We want to make sure everyone who is entitled to benefits is empowered to claim them.The UK’s benefits system is very complicated. And we know it can feel overwhelming for people using it for the first time or needing to understand the implications of a change of circumstances. So, our task is to simplify the system so people can quickly find out what financial support they may be entitled to.

Every year millions of people carry out a benefits check, but many millions more still don’t know what they can claim or how to claim it. Working with others we want to be part of the solution to the issue of low benefits take-up.

By signposting individuals to the support they can claim based on their own circumstances, and by ensuring our tools are easy to use and accessible to the widest possible range of users, we will help to increase benefits take-up and maximise entitlements
Check now on the entitledto website.

Give as you live - raise money for charity with your everyday online shopping - find the charity you want to benefit here

Grants - your local council is likey to offer some kind of disabled facilites grant for adaptations required in your home, a stairlift etc.  The MS Society also offer assistance.  Qualifying criteria will apply but if you don't ask.

Lasting Power of Atourney aka LPA - An LPA can make a difference when it comes to providing care for a person with dementia or any other debilitating condition.  It gives the attorneys authority to access bank accounts, sell property and make decisions in the best interests of the donor.  You can use a solicitor or do it all online, including registering the LPAs.  Try the Government website  It is free to use, walks you through the process so your wishes are legally recorded.  You pay to register them

Legal helplineDid you know that the MS Society pays for the services of a discrimination legal advisor?  If you wish to access the service please first call the MS Society on 0808 8008000 and they will confirm if your query should be raised with Angela Rosman at Disability Law Service.  

Mortgage checks - check to see if you can make a retrospective claim against a critical illness insurance on a mortgage.  It might be worth checking your policy – past or present – to see if you might have a claim.

National Insurance credits - if you are unable to work due to your health, check your National Insurance record - GOV.UK ( as you may need to make voluntary contributions OR check that a benefit you qualify covers your contributions. National Insurance credits - GOV.UK (

Ofgem guidance - Advice and guidance for households facing the recent huge hike in energy bills, which are due to go up even further over the next 6 months.  Visit

PIP aka Personal Independence Payment (was DLA - disability living allowance) - Having been through the process I urge you to seek independent support in completing the forms, irrespective of how clever/qualified you are.   Getting input from experienced staff will help you achieve the best possible outcome.   Options include:

  • Communicare
  • Citizens Advice
  • MS Support office

There is a raft of information online but it can be overwhelming to filter down what to put in or omit on the huge form.   There is advice for each question, including:

  • what the questions mean
  • what to write about in your answers
  • examples of answers people might give
  • help explaining how your illness or disability affects you
  1. Remember, PIP is based on how your condition affects you. It’s not based on your particular illness or disability, or your medication
  2. Your claim starts the date you apply
  3. Your application has to be completed within a given timeframe
  4. If asked to attend a assessment session, ask in advance for a copy of the report - you can't just record it on the day.
  5. Be patient - it can take months

Prescriptions for free - Having MS doesn't mean you qualify for free prescriptions but... A lesser known qualification for free NHS prescriptions is if you 'have a continuing physical disability that prevents you going out without help from another person and have a valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx)'.  Read more about who can get free NHS prescriptions. Ask your doctor for an FP92A form to apply for a medical exemption certificate.  

Purpl’s mission is to fight for you, the disabled community, by bringing you the best discount offers to help offset the hidden costs that come from living with a disability.  Learn more and sign up on their website.

VAT exemptions - People with MS are able to obtain VAT relief on certain items. To claim these reliefs an applicant needs to provide a declaration to the supplier. The list below is not exhaustive but provides an outline of the types of items that VAT relief can be obtained on. Further details can be found here:  People with MS should not have to pay VAT on items such as:

  • adjustable beds, chairlifts, hoists and sanitary devices
  • emergency call systems
  • some building work done at the person’s home to help them to move around, such as widening of doorways and constructing ramps
  • adapted motor vehicles, and their repair – qualifying adaptions include a swivel seat or wheelchair hoist

Warm home discount - Criteria apply, the scheme changes but you may qualify for a payment towards your fuel bills.  Check out this site to learn more.

Work, retirement etc. - Telling anyone about your diagnosis is up to you.  But, if they don't know, they can't help or make 'reasonable' adaptations that could help.   One example is moving to a desk nearer to the loos - simple solution that enabled an individual to remain in work.  If work is getting too much and/or if your employer isn’t being very supportive (assuming you have disclosed your condition of course) then please, whatever you do don’t just resign and walk away.  Both you and your employer have rights and responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010   

Ultimately, and depending on many factors, you may qualify for ill health retirement which could mean getting your occupational pension paid early.  I urge you to seek advice if you have any concerns regarding employment but DON’T JUST RESIGN.  Remember you automatically meet the disability definition under the Equality Act 2010 from the day you’re diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.  If you feel you have been discriminated against, look here.

Wills In January 2022 the Government extended a law which allows witnessing of the wills to be completed via live video service such as Zoom until January 2024 to help vulnerable people complete their wills.  The Law Commission will now consider potential reforms to the law around wills including whether to make the changes permanent.  Visit  And remember, a legacy to charity is money removed from the total affected by inheritence tax.  If you are planning to leave part of your estate to a charity check the guidance as some charities will fund a Will if they are to benefit.

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